The best front door material for your home depends on the level of durability and security you need.
The front door is perhaps the most prominent focal point in a home’s exterior. Choosing a new front door is your opportunity to make your home look its best. At the same time, the door you select may last shorter or longer, or be more prone to weathering and wear, depending on the material. Depending on your needs, you’ll need a door that can withstand the elements it may likely face. Below, we’ll look at the most common types of front door materials.
Wood Door
Wood is the most common type of front door material out there. It may be subject to warping and cracking over time, and so may need a replacement sooner than other types of doors. That said, wood doors are durable, easily customizable, and are flexible to fitting glass accent windows of all kinds. They are a fantastic choice for obvious aesthetic reasons. Solid wood doors, in particular, are some of the most expensive types of doors.
Fiberglass Door
Fiberglass is another popular choice for those looking for a durable and low-maintenance solution. Fiberglass doors can have the same beautiful look as wood and can come in a broad selection of colors. They typically have an insulated, in-between layer as well. FIberglass may be more expensive than wood, but the durability will likely pay for itself.
Steel Door
If you are looking for a door that has maximum durability, steel is your answer. Steel doors are typically resistant to dents and also have an insulated foam layer inside. If the door does receive a dent, an auto body repair shop should repair it. On the other hand, just because steel makes for strong security, that doesn’t mean it loses out on beauty. Steel doors can come in many colors as well. Note, however, that a steel door can grow hot if the sun shines on it for the greater part of the day. This can cause the door’s outermost coating to peel. Steel doors may be the least expensive kind, yet need replacing if it gets a notably large dent.
Aluminum Door
Lastly, aluminum doors are sold by dealers custom-made to your home. Like other front door materials, this type of door can come in many colors as well as the look of natural wood. Aluminum is low-maintenance, durable, and can go splendidly with an aluminum storm door. Aluminum, however, will be the most expensive kind of front door material.
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