Water damage is one of the most disastrous things that can happen to your Hunt Valley home.
Water damage is one of the most disastrous things that can happen to your Hunt Valley home. Cleaning up after a natural flood or when your toilet backs up is one thing. While it’s hard work and frequently unsanitary, you can always call on the experts at North Arundel Contracting to help you out.
Flood Damage Isn’t the Same
First of all, there is a distinction between flood damage and water damage. Your insurance provider will issue different policies depending on what happens. For example, your homeowner’s insurance will cover it if your toilet backs up and disgorges water everywhere, or if the tank on your water heater springs a leak and fills the basement with water before you notice and can do anything about it. You’ll have to communicate with your insurance company what the cause of the damage was so that the process can get started sooner.
Insurance Won’t Cover It All
Unfortunately, not all types of water damage will be covered by your insurance. Take some time to read over your current policy and learn the ins and outs so when you call your insurance company you will know what you can claim and what you can’t. For instance, a huge summer storm or a storm in the early fall can be vicious and flood your neighborhood. Your insurance will be able to help cover that, primarily if your Hunt Valley home isn’t severely affected.
Time is Precious
Once water damage has begun infiltrating your house, time is precious. You could start to see mold and mildew on your walls and ceilings. Mold can make everyone inside your Hunt Valley home start feeling sick, even if you aren’t specifically allergic to it. Luckily, there’s usually a day or two until the mold starts to form, so you do have some leeway. But during that time you must do your best to remove as much mold as you can, and call the professionals for more assistance should you need it. Here at NAC, we can help pump out the water and make sure that every surface of your home is dry enough to prevent mold from growing again.
If you have more questions about water damage repair services or if you want the professionals to assist you, then you can trust North Arundel Contracting. Reach us by telephone at 410-766-2855 or by fax at 410-553-2367 and visit us online. Send us an email at [email protected] and for after-hours emergencies, page us at 410-541-0328. Find out what we’re doing this summer, and get more tips and tricks by following us on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.