With the cold and ice about to make an appearance, it’s essential to identify and remedy any potential roof issues before the cold sets in this fall and winter.
We may still be dealing with summer’s last few scorching days, but fall and winter are right around the corner. As you begin planning your fall maintenance and La Plata home repairs, make sure taking care of your roof is high on your list. With the cold and ice about to make an appearance, it’s essential to identify and remedy any potential roof issues before the cold sets in this fall and winter.
Prune Your Trees
As the weather starts to turn its critical that any dead or decaying trees or limbs that could land on your La Plata home are removed. Additionally, it’s the perfect time to remove or trim any trees that are reaching a little too close. Not only will this help keep your gutters cleaner, but it will reduce the potential for debris to land on and potentially damage your roof.
Clean Out The Gutters
Maintaining your gutters and not letting them overflow with debris is essential for their ability to function. Your gutter system is meant to stop water from falling directly at the base of your house and from seeping into your foundation if your gutters are full of leaves, dirt, and sticks, they are not able to perform their duty and put your La Plata home at risk.
Add Gutter Guards
Installing gutter guards is one of the best things you can do to make your life easier without spending too much money. Along with being incredibly affordable, gutter guards are simple caps that allow water to flow into your gutters as usual without letting leaves and debris collect. If you invest in anything for your home this fall, gutter guards should be top of your list.
Get A Pre-Winter Inspection
While there are many aspects of roof care, you can perform yourself, having a professional do a routine check is a critical pre-winter step. Not only are professionals better able to identify any problems, but they will likely be able to guide you to the best solutions. Having this check done early in fall will mean that any issues can be repaired while the weather is still cooperative.
Repair As Needed
Should your inspector find anything that needs work, it’s best not to delay. Even the smallest problems can turn into major headache-inducing issues when the cold sets in and snow lands. Repairing early, although it might be costly, can save you exponentially should your winter be hard.
If you have more questions about roof damage and repair services or if you want the professionals to assist you, then you can trust North Arundel Contracting. Reach us by telephone at 410-766-2855 or by fax at 410-553-2367 and visit us online. Send us an email at [email protected] and for after-hours emergencies, page us at 410-541-0328. Find out what we’re doing this summer, and get more tips and tricks by following us on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.