Emergency roof tarping services from North Arundel Contracting usually begin with a tarp to keep out the water.
After a severe storm, your roof might have terrible damage. Whether or not it’s apparent, mold, mildew, water infiltration, and ill health follow significant roofing damage. So, you’ll need emergency roofing repairs to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your property from further harm. Emergency roof tarping services from North Arundel Contracting usually begin with a tarp to keep out the water. Read on to learn more!
Not for Beginners
Even in the best conditions, your property’s roof is no place for beginners. After a storm, the risk of injury increases significantly. Before discussing emergency roof tarping services from North Arundel Contracting, please stay off your roof! In addition, a single significant tarp will go over the roof ridge to shed water. Since one waterproof sheet covers the entire roof, the damaged roof is preserved. So no more damage can occur while your roof waits for repair.
Adequate Roof Tarp Installation
Typically, there are two types of roof tarp installation after a storm:
- Temporary – A temporary tarp attaches to your roof along the bottom and side edges. Then, the water stays out of your property without nail holes through the ridge or surface. Also, weighted sandbags can prevent wind uplift.
- Long-Term – A more substantial, thoroughly fastened tarp will be a roof replacement, while insurance problems, scheduling, or contract terms are a work in progress.
Do you need emergency roof tarping services from North Arundel Contracting? Call us today at 410-766-2855!
When to Invest in Long-Term Roof Tarping
High-quality and heavy roof tarps with UV protection are an excellent investment if your emergency roof repair will last three months. Moreover, investing in a high-grade tarp that can last longer will save you money. Also, long-term roof tarping allows breathing room.
But your property can’t be water resistant, energy efficient, and comfortable with a tarp on the roof. They support and protect your structure while North Arundel Contracting makes the necessary replacement or long-term repairs. Fortunately, our technicians can handle your project with commitment, sensitivity, and attention to detail from beginning to completion. Got an issue? Call us at 410-766-2855!
If you have more questions about our services for your home or commercial facility, North Arundel Contracting is here to help you out. Our trained professionals can teach you everything there is to know about emergency and general contracting services. Call us any time at 410-766-2855 or reach us by fax at 410-553-2367. Feel free to send us an email at [email protected]. For after-hours emergencies, call us at 410-541-0328. For tips, tricks, and to see what we have been up to, be sure to follow us on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.