This area sees a lot of changeable weather, from massive blizzards in the winter to an occasional derecho in the summer, and even sometimes tornadoes in the spring. These storms can sometimes do incredible damage to homes and other buildings. We also get a lot of rain, and with rain often comes flooding. The flooding risk is not limited to the duration of the storm, either. As anyone who runs a sump pump in their basement knows, that water continues to flow downhill and into things long after the rain in the immediate area has finished. If you have standing water around (or even in) your home, it is something to be concerned about. Standing water can pose quite a few hazards to people, aside from the water damage that it causes.

Flood waters can pose a health risk to people and correlate with an increase in certain diseases like Norovirus and West Nile. The water can be contaminated with viruses or bacteria and transmit it to people. It is essential to always wash your hands after contacting flood waters, or even after touching things that have been in flood waters (like toys or clothes).
If you have any open wounds, or you get cut while in stormwater, you have a higher chance of it getting infected. Whenever possible, bandage wounds with waterproof bandages and keep them out of flood waters.
Animal Danger
Flood water is often murky, and it can contain many hidden dangers. Depending on the region, these could include dangerous animals or insects. Horror stories usually come out of the south about alligators in Florida flood waters or fire ants in Texas, but we have our dangers, such as snakes. In addition to our native animals, there is also the occasional pet (amphibians and reptiles, usually) that escapes during a storm and may be lurking in the water.
Other Physical Dangers
Finally, there could be other physical dangers in the water, such as damaged wood and broken glass that could injure you. There is also the possibility of downed power lines creating a dangerous, deadly electrical situation. Even the water itself is a hazard since people can drown if they try to swim through it or drive across it. Even strong swimmers are sometimes not a match for the currents in flood waters.
If you have more questions about preventing fires in your home, North Arundel Contracting is here to help you out. Our trained professionals can teach you everything there is to know about house fires. Call us any time at 410-766-2855 or reach us by fax at 410-553-2367. Feel free to send us an email at [email protected] and for after-hours emergencies, call us at 410-541-0328. For tips, tricks, and to see what we have been up to, be sure to follow us on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.