The ceiling is one of the most important parts of your Churchton home. Follow this advice for cleaning up smoke residue.
The ceiling is one of the most important parts of your Churchton home. There could have been a kitchen fire, or candles were left lit too long, or any number of other reasons an open flame ended up going out of control. However, you shouldn’t panic. Follow this advice for cleaning up smoke residue instead.
Open Windows and Doors
First of all, you’re going to want to have plenty of fresh air. Any time you are working with releasing soot from the inside of your Churchton home, open all the windows and doors around the affected areas. Doing this helps to ensure that the particles you remove don’t go right back into circulating all over your home through the HVAC unit. Keeping a door open is doubly important if the room doesn’t feature a window. Also be sure to bring in a high-powered fan to keep the air moving.
Use a Drop Cloth
Next, you must put down a drop cloth. Evaluate the area where the smoke damage occurred. Even after the smoke has cleared, there will still be residue that can leave a lingering smell of something burning. Eventually, the stains that were left behind will disintegrate and fall onto the floor. A drop cloth will protect the floor underneath the affected ceiling in your Churchton house. Make sure that the cloth you select is made of canvas to guarantee the best possible results.
Wear Protective Gear
When cleaning up smoke residue, it is essential that you wear the right protective gear. After all, you don’t want anything getting in your eyes, mouth, nose, or lungs. Besides, the chemicals you use to help clean up the residue could be harmful to your skin as well. One way to make sure you don’t get hurt is to use thick enough gloves meant for cleaning up different areas of your home in Churchton.
Remove the Residue
Now it’s time to remove the residue. Grab the vacuum cleaner and use that to draw away any excess dust you see in the room. Dust will make the soot harder to clean up. Once you’ve done that, take a dry towel and go over the same areas you just hit. Special sponges for this purpose can be found at your local hardware store if you’re unsure of what else you need to use. If you’re cleaning up smoke residue in the kitchen, then chances are it was a grease fire that happened there. A degreaser can help you eliminate the residue, but only if the affected area is relatively small. Once that is finished, you need to go over it again with a clean rag or dry sponge to make sure all the liquid is absorbed.
If you have more questions about smoke damage cleanup or if you want the professionals to take care of it for you, you can trust North Arundel Contracting. Reach us by telephone at 410-766-2855 or by fax at 410-553-2367 and visit us online. Send us an email at [email protected] and for after-hours emergencies, page us at 410-541-0328. To find out what we are up to, or for more tips and tricks, follow us on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.