What is the current condition of your roofing?
It’s a simple question. What is the current condition of your roofing? Whether you use it for residential or commercial purposes, at some point your existing roof will need to be replaced. You shouldn’t hesitate to have this process completed as spring arrives in Baltimore County. After all, the winter probably did a number on it. Let’s look at how you can select new roofing that withstands whatever the weather brings with it.
Hail Damage
One reason to secure new roofing is to compensate for hail damage. You might not expect it, but a hailstorm can blow in at any time. A hailstorm might be something you would think would only happen in winter, but it can also occur in spring and summer. When hail smashes into your roof, it can open holes and cracks that allow water infiltration. So if you are trying to replace the roof for your home or your business, find a roofing material that can survive the next round of hail that falls in Baltimore County.
Heat Damage
Winter hasn’t left us behind just yet. But with spring on the horizon, you should be prepared for the possibility of heat damage. Whether it is from exposure to sunlight, an unusually day, or another heat source such as a fire emergency, your roof might be damaged beyond repair after the fact. Think about choosing roof materials that do a better job of reflecting light and heat instead of absorbing it.
Algae Growth
We know what you’re thinking: how is algae growth a problem? Well, although you might not see it happen that often outside of a lake or a pond, algae growing on the exterior of your Baltimore County home is entirely possible. Maryland is notorious for its unforgiving humidity as much as it is known for its unpredictable weather. Algae, and for that matter, mold, love humid conditions. You’ll know you have a problem with algae and mildew when you start seeing black, mottled stains spreading everywhere. Not only is this disgusting, but it will affect your curb appeal too. Our advice is to choose a roofing material that discourages the presence of these unwanted visitors.
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