Following some of these tips will teach you how to combat winter fire damage to your home.
With the snow on the ground and freezing temperatures that Marylanders have been experiencing, fire threats are the last thing on anyone’s mind. However, the winter weather does bring sudden fire hazards. Fortunately, following some of these tips will teach you how to combat winter fire damage to your home. In the case of a fire, you may always count on North Arundel Contracting for your fire restoration needs!
Use Space Heaters with Caution
Sitting next to a heater with some hot chocolate while enduring a freezing winter night must be nice. So, remember to be wise in where you place your heaters or what you put near them. Being negligent in this scenario is one of the quickest and simplest ways to start a fire in your home and cause winter fire damage. Keep in mind to provide space heaters within a three-foot radius of anything else in your home, unplug them when not in use, and only purchase quality heaters that have a built-in safety feature that will automatically shut them off if they fail.
Regularly Examine Your Chimneys and Furnaces
Another way to combat winter fire damage is to regularly inspect your chimneys and furnaces. A failing furnace or chimney is a quick way to start a house fire because the last thing someone wants to worry about is a fire. If anything does happen, North Arundel Contracting contractors in Glen Burnie, Maryland, are here to help with your fire restoration needs. Call our team today at 410-766-2855!
Follow Safe Cooking Practices
- Continuously monitor the stove, oven, or other appliances you use to cook. Turn off the burner or device if you notice any smoke or boiling grease.
- Turn pot handles toward the back of the stove so nobody can mistakenly knock them off the stove.
- Avoid letting too many cooks in the kitchen because obvious hazards may get overlooked if the kitchen is overcrowded.
- Also, keep a sturdy lid within reach to remove any containable fires.
- Don’t let your clothing catch fire, and roll up your sleeves!
- If everyone must leave the kitchen, please turn off all burners and equipment.
If you have more questions about our services for your home or commercial facility, North Arundel Contracting is here to help you out. Our trained professionals can teach you everything there is to know about emergency and general contracting services. Call us any time at 410-766-2855 or reach us by fax at 410-553-2367. Feel free to send us an email at [email protected]. For after-hours emergencies, call us at 410-541-0328. For tips, tricks, and to see what we have been up to, be sure to follow us on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.